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Organic Food - A Complete Analysis on Health Effects and Benefits

Organic Food - A Complete Analysis on Health Effects and Benefits

How your food is grown or raised can have a major impact on your overall health! 
Everyday news feed contains at least one alarming caught up of some adulterated food product. It puts us with eyes full of doubt at all the food products at the market. When it’s about health, we got to be precautious and warmful about things. The same goes for the food products. 

Is your food safe?
Food farming uses pesticides, some of them have been found to have health risks. Some studies have also shown that the use of pesticides even at lower levels can increase the risk of health problems. Children and pregnant women are most vulnerable to pesticides as children’s immune system, bodies and brains are growing and pregnant women are with an added stress and the pesticides can be passed from the mother to the child in the womb.

Even if you think traces of pesticides over your vegetables and fruits is a casual thing and puts no effect on your hardcore 21st century built body. Remember, you are intolerant towards chemicals at all levels, it just does not show up instantly but hollows up your fitness at micro levels or at a rate you cannot realize. The one solution can be switching from processed and brighter looking foodstuffs at the market to Organic food. 

Organic refers to the way agricultural products are grown and processed. It is a revolutionary change in a farming process aimed towards better health. Organic food is grown using natural fertilizers like manure or compost without the use of harmful chemicals in the name of fertilizers, preservatives and growth enhancers. 

Nature can never harm you. Nature only nourishes and heals.
Organic vegetables and fruits Crops of food products as vegetables and fruits are grown by the folklore mean with use of science intelligence as well. Artificial products are not allowed to disturb the crops. Thus, maintaining purity and eliminating chances of free radicals that are utterly harmful to us.
Weeds of organic food are controlled naturally by crop rotation, hand weeding, mulching, and many more ways. Organic food has more beneficial nutrients and is good for people suffering from allergies from chemical irritants.

Organic Milk and Meat

Do you know milk and meat can also be organic? The milk and meat giving animals graze over natural grass and are not fed with something supernatural, they are not injected with hormone boosters or muscle builder-foods and thus are fostered all natural.

Why go Organic?

If we give you a list of science-backed health benefits of organic food, you will better be convinced to give them a try. So, have a look at the health benefits of Organic:

• Pesticide Reduction: Organic food farming does a good job at keeping pests away. Children should be given organic food as it keeps them healthy and unaffected by the harmful toxins flooding out there.
According to a study by Agency of Toxic Substances & Disease Registry at U.S Centre for Disease Control, the pregnant women who lived near farms were more prone to giving births to autistic child or babies with some form of neuro-disorders. Now, you can know how harmful pests can be! 
According to a study, organic foods have lesser pesticide traces than crop produce grown conventionally. Organic thus prevents you from such hazards and life-threatening events.

• Heart Health: Organic food improves blood circulation and improves heart function.  Organic milk contains Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), a fatty acid which is believed to protect cardiovascular health. 

• Antibiotic resistance: Antibiotics given in advanced to the crops may not work for you. It may irritate your immune system or may harm you later. This may even make your body resistant towards certain antibiotics, thus putting you in trouble as in case you need medication, no drug may work on you. Thankfully, organic food is free from preformed antibiotics.

• Better Taste: You may have noticed when you taste something really natural or traditional, unmodified or unprocessed, it soothes your tongue and gut altogether. Organic food, the unadulterated and naturally derived foodstuff has a far better taste as compared to the food items produced conventionally because organic food is grown using natural methods.

• Go organic, it helps the environment too! : Organic farming may better be known as eco-friendly farming.
Organic farming involves no pesticides and artificial additives. In the end, it forms no insoluble scum, wax or precipitates over fruits and vegetable peels. Thus it saves water, reduces pollution, maintains (or at least does not degrade) soil fertility, and uses less energy 

• Organic meat and milk are good: Organic meat and milk are richer in certain nutrients than in conventionally raised versions.

• Have good fat: A study at the British Journal of Nutrition concluded upon the fact that organic milk and meat has approximately 50% more saturated fats which are supposed to be healthier than unsaturated fatty acids.

• Check at Cadmium levels: Many free radicals of non-organic food are waiting to scavenge you. Out of all, Cadmium is a potential health disruptor. Crops grown by conventional means have almost 4 times the level of cadmium as compared to the organic crop. It has been documented that long-term ingestion of even trace amounts of cadmium may result in early kidney damage and possibly failure. The element may also cause anemia or may cause neurological damage.

• Better Immunity: As you have known till yet, organic is chemicals-less. It is therefore known that immunity is kept well- maintained and diseases are prevented by having organic food which has more nutrients than non-organic stuff.

• Higher Antioxidants: Some latest studies have suggested that organic food is flushed with higher antioxidants which keeps your immunity d health at the check and prevents illness.

• Food allergies Away: Absence of chemicals or artificial additives assure lesser irritation to your antibodies, thus stimulating lesser allergic responses. This lessens your troubles with food allergies and makes you more comfortable at your food table.

There are many fruits and vegetables that should be bought organic. Below is the list of the most heavily sprayed crops and should be bought organic like-
• Apple.
• Peaches.
• Strawberries.
• Grapes.
• Spinach.
• Cucumbers.
• Potatoes.
• Hot Peppers.

There are some fruits that contain fewer pesticides but should be bought organic like-
• Avocado.
• Pineapples.
• Cabbage.
• Onions.
• Mangos.
• Kiwi.
• Grapefruit.
• Cauliflower.

Rinsing and peeling don’t help in eliminating pesticides, but sometimes valuable nutrients also go the drain with the skin so the best way to keep off of pesticides is that eat a varied diet, wash and scrub all products every day, and try to buy only organic food. 

In any case, you are worried about the high price of organic food; you can start by going organic through the home. Yes! Grow some simple greeneries at your backyard or garden and experience goodness of health from organic.

Go Organic, Welcome Goodness of Health.

Food Drink | Posted by Gaurav Dhingra on October 6th, 2018 | Comments

Tags: Benefits of organic food, Organic food health Benefits, Organic food list

About Gaurav Dhingra

Gaurav Dhingra
Hi..I am Gaurav Dhingra..completed engineering from SRM unviersity..and doing gym since last one year..and giving personal training from last 6 months with diet and proper workouts

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