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Do Fullers Earth (Multani Mitti) cleanses skin?

Ayurveda | Updated Oct 08, 2019

A clayey soil - Multani mitti is one of the best natural remedies for a clean and glowing skin. 

The presence of minerals like silica, calcium, magnesium, dolomite, calcite and iron makes Multani mitti a skin rejuvenator and cleanser. 
Multani mitti pacifies your skin of all oil and dirt and thus prevents pimples. Its antiseptic properties, it helps in skin rashes and infections. Regular use of Multani mitti not only keeps your skin clean but also brings glow. You can use Multani mitti with rose water or lemon as a face pack and wash it after 20- 25 minutes. Results will amaze you for sure.

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What is Kapha Dosha in Ayurveda?

Ayurveda | Updated Jul 18, 2019

The Kapha Dosha
It is typically the largest of the three body types. The physical appearance of people having Kapha dosha is:
• Wide hips/shoulders
• Thick, wavy hair
• Good stamina
Mentally, they are slow to learn, but they have a good memory and emotionally they are loyal and stable.

Kapha people also have some problems like:
• Poor circulation
• Sluggish digestion
• Obesity
To help with these problems, Kapha people should take dry body massage, should use herbal supplements and also should exercise to keep balance.

Food to have & avoid in diet:
Kapha people should avoid foods like: 

• Oily food – People with Kapha imbalance should necessarily avoid oily food as that may put them in trouble.
• Sweets- Sweets are just spheres of calories; they are not of use to your gut anyway. People with Kapha imbalance should avoid sweets in order to avoid calories storage that cannot be burned due to a slow metabolism.
• Salt- Nobody can live without salt but the ones with Kapha type body have to keep a check at salt levels. 

Kapha people should take foods like: 
• Spices- People with Kapha are slow at metabolism, low in overall body heat and thus slow at digestion. Spices will help to keep enough warmth in the body and will also aid in digestion.
• Vegetables- Vegetables means a lot of micro-nutrients. People with Kapha are more prone to infectious diseases; especially cold and cough. Keeping body full with micro-nutrients as vitamins and minerals will build up your immune system and thus keep you safe from any trouble.

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What is Pitta Dosha in Ayurveda?

Ayurveda | Updated Jul 18, 2019

The Pitta Dosha
The physical appearance of Pitta people is: 
• Good muscle tone
• Premature grey hair
• Balding
• Reddish complexion
Pitta people always feel warm; enjoy high-energy levels, strong digestion. Mentally, they are strong, intelligent. Emotionally, they can become easily irritated.

Pitta people experience problems like: 
• Anger
• Headaches
• Rashes
• Diarrhoea
• Ulcers
To avoid these problems, Pitta people can do coconut oil massage, drink aloe vera, drink pomegranate juice.

Food to avoid & have:
Pitta people should avoid foods like: 

• Hot Spices- Pitta, infers a body with enough heat. Such body type needs to stay away from herbs and plant products that contribute more heat. Spices thus are a big No for people with pitta dosha. 
• Alcohol- Alcohol is no less than a slow poison when ingested over the limits. However, people with pitta dosha need to especially stay away from alcohol to avoid health complications.
• Coffee- Coffee infers more energy in the body, the caffeine helps in wakening up and boosting energy levels but those with pitta imbalance need to stay away from coffee otherwise they may end up with insomnia and increased heart rate.
• Tomatoes- Tomatoes are filled up with more than 90% water along with pulp but it somehow increases your pitta imbalance. This is due to some phytochemicals present in tomatoes.

Pitta people should take foods like: 
• Mangoes- Mangoes- the king of all fruits; is stuffed with many vital macro and micronutrients. Mangoes are potent pitta pacifier and thus are good for people with pitta imbalance.
• The high amount of water- The body with more than enough heat can be kept healthier with the liquid that soothes it down. Nothing can be as calming as water. So, people with pitta imbalance need to gulp more water for better health. 
• Cucumber-The summer fruit and one of the favourite salad, cucumber is a good fruit cum veggie to have. This will lessen the body heat.
• Lettuce- The pretty looking green plant leaf of your burger holds much more important than that. It is infused with some amazing phytonutrients and minerals. For better digestion and healthier skin, go for lettuce especially if you are pitta body type.

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What is Vata Dosha in Ayurveda?

Ayurveda | Updated Jul 18, 2019

The Vata Dosha
The physical appearance of Vata people is: 

• Thin
• Dry skin
• Dry hair
• Little muscle tone
Vata people face difficulty in gaining weight. Mentally, they learn fast and are very creative. Emotionally they are enthusiastic but can become easily anxious.

Vata people face problems like: 
• Poor digestion
• Constipation
• Easily catch cold
• Easily develop insomnia and fatigue.
To avoid these problems, Vata people should use sesame oil nasal spray, drink warm milk at bedtime.

Foods to have & avoid:
Vata people should avoid foods like: 
• Dry foods- Dry foods means recipes that include less or no water or solid junk. These kinds of food cause indigestion problems and may cause severe constipation.
• Cold vegetables- Cold vegetables means already it needs more energy to digest and people with Vata imbalance will face problems with stimulating more digestive juices. Lack of digestive stimulations make cold food especially vegetables difficult to digest.
• Processed food- Vata people are frequent with acidity and indigestion problems. Processed food ruin the stimulating power of organs of digestion, thus people with Vata imbalance should strictly avoid processed food in order to have a healthier gut forever.

Vata people should take foods like: 
• Nuts- Nuts are whole grain foods and stay in the gut for the longest. They help in better digestive stimulations thus, eliminating frequent incidences of acidity and indigestion. Nuts are power-packed with numerous kinds of good fatty acids and vitamins along with proteins. This will boost up metabolism and keep gut, skin and hair healthy.
• Cooked vegetables- Cooked vegetables are easy to digest and confer enough nutrients that keep your immunity system healthy. So, people with Vata imbalance need not worry for lack of nutrients due to lack of good digestion power. They can fill up the plate with cooked veggies and enjoy strong immunity.
• Soupy foods- Soups are tonic for gut and pour a lot of nutrients down your digestive tract. People with Vata imbalance can opt for various kind of delicious soups and thus can enjoy the power of micro-nutrients and also a mandatory macro-nutrient i.e. protein.

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What are the Ayurveda Body Type or Dosha?

Ayurveda | Updated Jul 18, 2019

There are three types of Ayurvedic body or doshas:-
• Vata (Air) 
• Pitta (Fire) 
• Kapha (Water)

Identifying your dosha according to your body physical and emotional appearance will help you to follow the ayurvedic diet accordingly; there are several ways to determine your body type. The most preferred and accurate way is to go through the detailed history and physical by an ayurvedic physician. Most of the people are a combination of two doshas depending on their body.

The Kapha Dosha
It is typically the largest of the three body types. The physical appearance of people having Kapha dosha is:
• Wide hips/shoulders
• Thick, wavy hair
• Good stamina
Mentally, they are slow to learn, but they have a good memory and emotionally they are loyal and stable.

Kapha people also have some problems like:
• Poor circulation
• Sluggish digestion
• Obesity
To help with these problems, Kapha people should take dry body massage, should use herbal supplements and also should exercise to keep balance.

Food to have & avoid in diet:
Kapha people should avoid foods like: 

• Oily food¬ – People with Kapha imbalance should necessarily avoid oily food as that may put them in trouble.
• Sweets- Sweets are just spheres of calories; they are not of use to your gut anyway. People with Kapha imbalance should avoid sweets in order to avoid calories storage that cannot be burned due to a slow metabolism.
• Salt- Nobody can live without salt but the ones with Kapha type body have to keep a check at salt levels. 

Kapha people should take foods like: 
• Spices- People with Kapha are slow at metabolism, low in overall body heat and thus slow at digestion. Spices will help to keep enough warmth in the body and will also aid in digestion.
• Vegetables- Vegetables means a lot of micro-nutrients. People with Kapha are more prone to infectious diseases; especially cold and cough. Keeping body full with micro-nutrients as vitamins and minerals will build up your immune system and thus keep you safe from any trouble. 

The Pitta Dosha
The physical appearance of Pitta people is: 
• Good muscle tone
• Premature grey hair
• Balding
• Reddish complexion
Pitta people always feel warm; enjoy high-energy levels, strong digestion. Mentally, they are strong, intelligent. Emotionally, they can become easily irritated.

Pitta people experience problems like: 
• Anger
• Headaches
• Rashes
• Diarrhoea
• Ulcers
To avoid these problems, Pitta people can do coconut oil massage, drink aloe vera, drink pomegranate juice.

Food to avoid & have:
Pitta people should avoid foods like: 

• Hot Spices- Pitta, infers a body with enough heat. Such body type needs to stay away from herbs and plant products that contribute more heat. Spices thus are a big No for people with pitta dosha. 
• Alcohol- Alcohol is no less than a slow poison when ingested over the limits. However, people with pitta dosha need to especially stay away from alcohol to avoid health complications.
• Coffee- Coffee infers more energy in the body, the caffeine helps in wakening up and boosting energy levels but those with pitta imbalance need to stay away from coffee otherwise they may end up with insomnia and increased heart rate.
• Tomatoes- Tomatoes are filled up with more than 90% water along with pulp but it somehow increases your pitta imbalance. This is due to some phytochemicals present in tomatoes.

Pitta people should take foods like: 
• Mangoes- Mangoes- the king of all fruits; is stuffed with many vital macro and micro nutrients. Mangoes are potent pitta pacifier and thus are good for people with pitta imbalance.
• The high amount of water- The body with more than enough heat can be kept healthier with the liquid that soothes it down. Nothing can be as calming as water. So, people with pitta imbalance need to gulp more water for better health. 
• Cucumber-The summer fruit and one of the favourite salad, cucumber is a good fruit cum veggie to have. This will lessen the body heat.
• Lettuce- The pretty looking green plant leaf of your burger holds much more important than that. It is infused with some amazing phytonutrients and minerals. For better digestion and healthier skin, go for lettuce especially if you are pitta body type.

The Vata Dosha
The physical appearance of Vata people is: 

• Thin
• Dry skin
• Dry hair
• Little muscle tone
Vata people face difficulty in gaining weight. Mentally, they learn fast and are very creative. Emotionally they are enthusiastic but can become easily anxious.

Vata people face problems like: 
• Poor digestion
• Constipation
• Easily catch cold
• Easily develop insomnia and fatigue.
To avoid these problems, Vata people should use sesame oil nasal spray, drink warm milk at bedtime.

Foods to have & avoid:
Vata people should avoid foods like: 
• Dry foods- Dry foods means recipes that include less or no water or solid junk. These kinds of food cause indigestion problems and may cause severe constipation.
• Cold vegetables- Cold vegetables means already it needs more energy to digest and people with Vata imbalance will face problems with stimulating more digestive juices. Lack of digestive stimulations make cold food especially vegetables difficult to digest.
• Processed food- Vata people are frequent with acidity and indigestion problems. Processed food ruin the stimulating power of organs of digestion, thus people with Vata imbalance should strictly avoid processed food in order to have a healthier gut forever.

Vata people should take foods like: 
• Nuts- Nuts are whole grain foods and stay in the gut for the longest. They help in better digestive stimulations thus, eliminating frequent incidences of acidity and indigestion. Nuts are power-packed with numerous kinds of good fatty acids and vitamins along with proteins. This will boost up metabolism and keep gut, skin and hair healthy.
• Cooked vegetables- Cooked vegetables are easy to digest and confer enough nutrients that keep your immunity system healthy. So, people with Vata imbalance need not worry for lack of nutrients due to lack of good digestion power. They can fill up the plate with cooked veggies and enjoy strong immunity.
• Soupy foods- Soups are tonic for gut and pour a lot of nutrients down your digestive tract. People with Vata imbalance can opt for various kind of delicious soups and thus can enjoy the power of micro-nutrients and also a mandatory macro-nutrient i.e. protein.

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