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Indian Laburnum

Hindi Name : Amaltas (अमलतास)

Sanskrit Name : Aragbadha

Other Common Names : Golden shower tree

Botanical Names : Cassia fistula Linn Pennel

Amaltas Uses : Ulcers, Wounds, Boosts immunity

Amaltas effects on Doshas : Balances vata and pitta.

Details :

A plant with soft fruits and bright yellow flowers, amaltas is a plant of much therapeutic use to us. It's bark, fruits and leaves are all of medicinal importance. 

Benefits :
Amaltas leaves are a blessing for 'skin in problem 'as rubbing leaves on conditions of ringworm and other skin infections and irritation will cure and heal it smoothly. 
Bark or fruit extract is a potent immunity booster. 
The pulp of Amaltas is a mild yet effective laxative and thus helps release stools to cure constipation. 
Inhalation of Cassia (Amaltas) root smoke helps release nasal discharge and cure cold and congestion. 
Amaltas is a strong antipyretic herb. Its alcoholic extract fights blackwater fever. 
Massaging amaltas extract around navels prevents intestinal disorders. 
A blend of amaltas and linseed oil regulates bowel movements and ensures evacuation to cure flatulence too. 
Amaltas has tissue - regenerating property thus it can help heal wounds faster.


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